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PAQ – Practitioner in Agile Quality

ISQI Group
Posted by ISQI Group on Nov 17, 2020 12:19:00 PM

iSQI announces the launch of a new agile certification!

PAQ – Practitioner in Agile Quality

The Practitioner in Agile Quality (PAQ) is an accelerated learning agile certification, designed to support people with current agile knowledge to take their skills to a practitioner level in an intensive learning environment.

PAQ immerses participants in agile practices with an emphasis on the key competencies essential for high performing agile teams working together collaboratively to increase value to the business and the customer. A Practitioner in Agile Quality can use agile as an effective pathway to accelerate the delivery of quality software.

Who should take PAQ certification?

Agile quality is the collective responsibility of the whole team. PAQ certification is not just for testers but anyone, and everyone, in the team who needs to continuously deliver better products, services and user experiences using agile.

The course builds on existing testing, software quality management and agile theory inspiring and building confidence through hands-on exercises and experiential learning aligned to the PAQ Competency Framework. The final practical assessment ensures that PAQ holders have demonstrated that they can achieve the expected PAQ competency outcomes.

Benefits of PAQ certification

For individuals:

  • Hands on, collaborative learning
  • Accelerated path to practitioner
  • Prove your agile quality competency
  • Develop you're agile mindset (soft skills)
  • Stand out from the crowd with a certification that shows you can do!

For Organizations:

  • Accelerate quality in the organization with Agile Quality Practitioners
  • Develop agile competency within your organization to leverage more benefits from agile
  • Demonstrate agile competence to internal and external customers
  • Get ahead of the competition with qualified PAQs who can do!

For the Team

  • Bring the agile team together with a focus on quality
  • Develop team competence, collaboration and confidence
  • Motivate the team with a career path to practitioner
  • Challenge the team to validate they can do with a practical certification!

For Training Providers

  • Boost your training portfolio with a highly practical course in agile quality
  • A course for anyone involved in testing but also the whole team
  • Practical assessment exam – a market differentiator
  • Soft skills focus plus strong agile quality content
  • Licensed materials available
  • Support your customers to develop their organization's agile competency

For more information visit: https://pages.isqi.org/practitioner-agile%20quality/ 

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